TruBodx Keto comes to your weight exercise is like 5 to 15% of the equation diets where it's at and the calories in versus calories out mantra seems to equate those in some people's minds like they're literally 50/50 it's diet and exercise and that's wrong just straight-up telling people they need to exercise to lose weight or they are doing it wrong or are lazy and won't get results is it's super unhealthy and uninit thing encourage that and get over yourself and besides plenty of people have health problems that prevent most exercises and this mentality that exercise is needed doesn't encourage them to even bother trying to lose weight and be healthier plus a lot of exercises while super overweight is terrible for your poor joints and Plus after losing a hundred or so pounds moving gets a lot easier so then you get all the energy and motivation to exercise Plus now it's not as bad for your joints so burn the fat first then start exercising if